この間、パラオを始め南太平洋・極東諸国へと人脈が強く広がり、事業もグアムを始め太平洋島嶼国・フィリピンへと拡大されて行きました。特に2006年の米国有力企業であるShaw E & Iとの長期業務提携は当社にとって大きな転機となり、その後極東地域での事業展開は加速され、グアムでの港湾事業や建設に伴う資機材調達事業へと広がって居ります。
今後も、グアムを中心とした西太平洋地域・フィリピンを中心とした東南アジア・パラオから始まる南太平洋地域での事業の積極的な推進を図り、併せて太平洋の恵まれた自然環境を保護するため珊瑚やマングローブの再生や地球温暖化防止に向けて更なる努力を続けて参ります。 今後のオーシャン・デベロップメントの動向にご注目下さい。
代表取締役 来海祐介
over 30 years ago when I visited Palau, which was not an
independent country, as a tourist and was impressed with the
beauty of its natural surroundings and the warmth of the
people’s hearts, I have been engaged in development projects
there with the hope of contributing to Palau’s economic
Meanwhile, our strong network of contacts broadened out from
Palau to other countries and regions in the South Pacific and
the Far East, and our business also expanded to Pacific island
countries and regions including Guam and the Philippines.
In particular the
long-term business partnership with Shaw E & I, Inc., a
leading company in the U.S., in 2006 was a crucial turning
point for Ocean Development Corporation.
Thereafter, our business in the Far East rapidly
developed and has evolved into port operation business and
equipment/material procurement business for construction
projects in Guam.
We will
vigorously promote our business activities in the West Pacific
region centering around Guam, the Southeast Asian region
centering around the Philippines and the South Pacific region
starting with Palau, while making further efforts toward
conservation of the rich natural environment in the Pacific
Ocean such as regeneration of coral and mangroves and
prevention of global warming.
I hope
you would keep an eye on the performance of Ocean Development
Corporation in the future.
President and CEO
Ocean Development Corporation